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American Thighs Page 2

  Is it possible that, as a species, we’re not actually capable of emotional growth past puberty? That if we live to be a hundred, we’ll be just as goofy as we were at thirteen? On the one hand, that’s depressing—on the other, it could be the best news ever. We could all just relax and accept our own personal igmonosity, and that of others would be far less irritating—if we just called bullshit on the whole idea of ever Growing Up and just eliminated all expectation of Maturity.

  This may be an idea whose time has come—and what, you may well ask, does any of this have to do with THIGHS, American or otherwise, and the means by which we might strive to preserve these and any and all Other Assets? Excellent question.

  Well, you prolly never really thought about it before but—when you do think about it—THIGHS (more specifically, women’s thighs) are really a major factor in just about every aspect of our daily lives. I would rank them second only to our hormones in level of importance and influence on the Universe as we know it.

  I can hear you asking, “Is she SERIOUS?” Naaahhh, not really. However, I have found that thighs, most often my own, but not infrequently those of others as well, have, in fact, played and continue to play a fairly significant role in all phases of my life. (Thighs as birth control, for example. Pretty efficient when used [as in “closed”] regularly—but backup is highly recommended.) This is not a whole book about thighs, obviously, but I think the subject bears some examination—in terms of discussion only, of course; no way am I bringing out my actual THIGHS for examination—not even if you’re blind.


  Hair of the Dog Is Actually a Drink, Not a Coiffure

  Of course, my OWN personal hairs, all four of them, would be rejected by any self-respecting dog and I’ve actually seen any number of dogs with whom I would happily trade hair, if they were to offer, but it has long been a source of confusion and amazement to me, the stuff that people with what I consider to be enviable hairs will do to ’em in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to fuck ’em up. Or perhaps they’ve had the feeling that they were just looking too damn smart and are just looking to “dumb down” their appearance as much as possible.

  In 1979, Bo Derek did the impossible: she ran down a beach—in slow motion—in a very revealing swimsuit—in broad daylight, no less—in front of a MOVIE camera—and she looked mind-numbingly gorgeous doing it. There’s a logical explanation for her ability to do these things, of course: she sold her soul to the Devil. No mortal woman living in 1979 could have done such a thing. Sure, today you’ve got your Camerons and your Venuses—superstars of screen and sports—who have actual human bodies that could bear up to such baring, but exercise and healthful eating had not yet been invented in 1979. Bulimia hadn’t even been born yet. So there you have it, devil-spawn not human girl—no comparison. Aren’t you glad now you didn’t slash your wrists after you watched 10?

  The other thing that the Bo-demon did that has wreaked havoc on humanity for lo, these many years, was she actually looked GOOD in that ridiculous hairdo. By the time you read this, it will have been a good thirty YEARS since that movie was released, and STILL TODAY, at least 78 percent of all tourists to tropical locales will come home with their hair in a Bo-Do and absolutely 100 percent, if not more, of them will look like complete morons.

  This continues to mystify me. I mean, I can’t recall ever seeing a BLIND tourist with a Bo-Do, and that would be the only understandable explanation for it, to my way of thinking—if an unscrupulous beachside cosmetologist were to perpetrate this heinous hairdo on a vulnerable and unsuspecting visually impaired person. Because why would anybody with one or two WORKING eyeballs EVER submit themselves to it after having SEEN it done on someone else—on account of, in the EN-tire history of HAIR—not nobody, not no-how, ain’t NEVER looked GOOD in the Bo-Do, ’ceptin’ for the Bo herownself and she was a succubus so no fair.

  I have never before or since seen in person another actual human person who I believe WOULD look good in the Bo-Do so I don’t think you should go off down there and be led, by Demon Rum or anybody else, to believe that YOU are the exception to this rule. If your friends think it would be funny to ply you with tequila and leave you passed out in the clutches of the Bo-Do person—well, I agree, it prolly will be pretty funny. But if they don’t also FORCE you to UN-do it before you board the homebound plane, they are really not your friends at all and your life will be immeasurably improved if you put them under a restraining order to keep them at an acceptable distance.

  Even MEN fall prey to the Bo-Do, which has been perhaps an even greater unexplained mystery of the universe. Why would any GUY want to look like Bo Derek? Well, upon further consideration, I do know a few—quite a few—GAY men who would kill Barbra Streisand if doing so would enable them to look like Bo Derek, but they have, it must be said, even LESS of a chance at achieving this than any of US. And yet the island resorts are overpopulated with white males sporting Bo-Dos.

  It does appear, thankfully, that the Moe-Do is dying away. For a while there every third guy you saw had his hair inexplicably styled like Moe—as in Three Stooges Moe. Now, there’s a look for you. Or maybe I’m missing something—was the legendary Moe reputed to be a major cocksman of his time? That might—no, that WOULD—explain it—men will do ANY-thing if they think it holds even a very remote possibility of leading them to the top of some woman’s thighs. So far, as far as I know, there ain’t no mountain high, ain’t no valley low, ain’t no river wide, no, and there ain’t no haircut hilarious—enough to discourage them in this, their lifelong relentless quest. Thank GOD.

  So which one of you bitches tricked ’em into the new Gerber Baby–Do? Come on—fess up—I KNOW YOU DID IT! You cannot turn on a TV or open a magazine without having to look at some dumb-ass grown-up MAN—with all his hair combed into a VERTICAL POINT in the MIDDLE of his head. I am not kidding—go right now and look. Now TELL me you could take that guy seriously enough to wind up in bed with him. You can-NOT make me believe it. Next you’ll be telling me you’d do a three-way with Ed Grimley and Alfalfa! (If you’re too young to know who Ed Grimley is, Google him and get back to me. And if you’re THAT young, you REEEALLY don’t know who Alfalfa is, so Google him as well, but you gotta put in “The Little Rascals,” too, or you’re gonna get some kind of sprout instead of the world’s earliest-known nerd.)

  So, whoever you are out there who’s convinced all these guys to commit this hair-trocity—why not push it a little further and get ’em to go all-out-Ed-Grimley and start wearing their pants up under their armpits and all? Come to think of it—that WOULD eliminate the proliferation of butt cracks we’ve been forced to view the last few years, revealed by the enduring but baffling “fad” of wearing your pants in such a way as to offer ease to anyone interested in making you their jailhouse bitch.

  How THAT caught on is one of your REAL, big-time mysteries. And that is where it started—in prison—where belts are taboo—the male inmates wishing to establish an intimate connection with others would telegraph this fact by wearing their pants twenty-five sizes too big so that they were always pre-yanked down—got the word out and saved time and effort, too. Win-win.

  Only somehow it mutated out into the free world, the result being that one cannot even indulge that time-honored tradition of dead-cat slinging without being presented with some guy’s nekkid butt crack, and when is the last time it was one you were glad you got to see?

  Color at ANY Cost

  I personally know of two (2) different women who have actually RISKED their very LIVES just to get a little bit blonder. My very own daughter, Bailey, was in the middle of having her blondness emphasized recently when a customer came careening into the shop, crying, “TAKE COVER! TAKE COVER! THERE’S A TORNADO!” And indeed, there was. Bailey said it was absolutely terrifying—they heard the telltale freight-train roar that survivors invariably describe after these horrific storms—they saw the roof blow off the building next to them, heard the explosion of all the cars’ window
s in the parking lot—as they frantically raced to the back of the building to seek shelter. “Thank God you’re safe,” was naturally my response, to which SHE replied, “OMIGOD, Mom, yes, and Christa is so great, she was able to get us back there right by the sinks so when my timer went off, she could rinse me—I just knew I was going to get blown away with that bleach on my hair!”

  I apologized for my shocking lapse—chagrined that I, her very own mother, could be so thoughtless that, upon learning she had suffered so close a brush with a killer storm, I did not first inquire as to what effect, if any, this whole experience might have had on the condition of her HAIR. My goodness, what a close call indeed. I didn’t say this to her, of course, not wishing to upset my high-strung child any further, but I trembled as I thought to myself, “Why, WHAT if she’d been late for her appointment and the whole salon had just been wiped off the parking lot? Christa—easily the best colorist in town—would have been blown to bits and, lord knows, it would have been waaaay too late for her to get in with any other reputable salon—she could have had darkish roots for WEEKS!” Man, you just never know what’s around that corner waiting for you, do you? Some serious life lessons for us all here—well, all of us who have color-assisted hair, anyway.

  Our next Blond-ee was well into her process, foils on her head, timer set, when her Blond-er got a phone call. The ever-vigilant Blond-er shrewdly took the timer with her when she was summoned to the front of the shop to answer the call, so she didn’t run the risk of becoming distracted and leaving the blonding on too long, which can result in a nice SINK full of perfectly blonded hair—and a VERY crabby Blond-ee.

  Long before the buzzer even went off, the Blond-er returned to her station, only to discover that her Blond-ee was, there is no way to sugarcoat this, throwing up BLOOD into the shampoo basin. Astutely observing that this was not your run-of-the-mill bad-hangover situation here but your genuine life-threatener, Blond-er rightly took it upon herownself to summon an ambulance for her Blond-ee in distress. Wouldn’t you KNOW it, the EMTs got there JUST as the timer went off.

  Blond-ee flatly refused to get on the gurney until the Blond-er rinsed her out. She didn’t feel like it WAS her day to die, but by God, if it WAS, she wasn’t going out with black roots OR bald.

  Well, they didn’t know they were headed out to put their lives on the line when they left the house for the beauty parlor that morning—but that’s the way it turned out, and you may be surprised to learn, as we do from these examples, that our strongest human drive is NOT, as previously thought, Survival but rather Blond Roots.

  I apologize for the fact that I have not heard any similar tales of dedicated Brunettes—no, wait a minute, I do know one—and it’s a good’un, too! Okay, to be completely honest here, the perpetrator of this hirsute crime of passion was a natural-born brunette, although it did require some high-dollar salon work to perpetuate that condition at the time of this story.

  Whoo-Hoo Hoo-Hoo!

  Our dear friend and mentor, Miss Lydy—the very one who taught us in The Sweet Potato Queens’ Book of Love about the Five Men We Must Have in Our Lives at All Times—although, if you’ll recall, I did not give her actual credit for it in that book, thinking, WRONGLY—SOOO VERY, VERY WRONGLY—that Miss Lydy might be shy about having her name out there, attached to that story. Upon publication of that first book, I was informed, hotly so, by Miss Lydy that I’d best be givin’ credit where credit was due, first chance I got, and boy-hidee, did I ever! Next book out—God Save the Sweet Potato Queens—I made sure I not only acknowledged, I verbally bowed and scraped before the feet of, the exalted Most High Miss Lydy. And, true to form, she not only forgave my lapse but gave me more fodder.

  Now, Miss Lydy was, truth be told, a tad bit older than most of us who hung around worshipping her. I’m not real sure if anybody was actually well informed as to her age, but she did allow as to how she did have her some REEEALLY old friends. She was laughing fit to kill one day as she hung up the phone from talking to one of ’em. Seems the Old Friend Girlene had her a new Old Beau who had been sparkin’ her along quite regular and Girlene was thinking that Tonight might just be The Night and she was all excited but then she remembered something that sorta debloomed her rose, at least temporarily—but, as is so typical of her resourceful generation, no sooner had the problem presented itself than she had thought up—and executed—the very cleverest of solutions.

  Miss Lydy was almost laughing too hard to explain—almost. Okay, Girlene was all hot and six kinds of ready for a very-long-awaited trot until she remembered that it had, in fact, been a really long wait in between suitors—so long she couldn’t really precisely say that she could right off remember when she had Received Her Last Gentleman Caller but she was pretty sure that whenever it was, she had still possessed a full crop of down-there hair that matched her hair-hair, black for black.

  Now, here she was, however many years later, and her hair-hair was still as black as black could ever hope to be—but her hoo-hoo hair was, well, GONE. It had done got tired a-waitin’ and flown the hoo-hoo coop. And now she had a bona fide Gentleman Caller and here she sat with her head full of bootblack hair and her hoo-hoo bald as an egg. What to do? What to do?

  They don’t call ’em the Greatest Generation for NOTHIN’, you know! She did what anybody with an ounce of spunk and a brand-new Sharpie would do! She drew some on!

  A lesser woman woulda blown Jack Daniel’s out her nose upon hearing that story, but Miss Lydy would NEVER waste good whiskey. Nor would she keep a PRICELESS story to herself. I expressed my own personal hope that somebody told Girlene the truth that would relieve her mind and save her Sharpies—that what she was sitting on was a PAIN-FREE, ALL-NATURAL Brazilian! I was assured, with a derisive snort, that “they read Cosmo, TOO, y’know!” Girlene just thought the old boy might need some kind of landmark until he sorta got the lay of the land, so to speak.

  Sadly, tragically, Miss Lydy is no longer with us. At least not where we can see her and hug her. But obviously, the woman was a force of nature—so I’ve NO DOUBT she’s with us—there’s no place big enough to HOLD her. Whenever I go to a play anywhere—but especially when I go to her beloved New Stage Theater in Jackson, Mississippi, where she starred in and stole many a show—I swear I can just hear her saying what she believed with all her might: “LOOK AT THIS! ISN’T THIS GREAT? PANTIES IN THE BUSHES—EVERYBODY’S SCREWING EVERYBODY! IT’S…THE THEATER!” Amen.

  The Color Purple, Revisited

  And then there’s Mary Katherine. She and Bailey have been friends for a goodly part of their young lives and you know how your kids have one or two friends that you just LOVE yourownself? Kids you would hang out with on your own—whether your kid was around or not? Mary Katherine is one of those kids—she’s destined to be one of those people—the ones whom EVERYBODY JUST LOVES. Mary Katherine is like my friend Katie who I’ve told you about—who is the World’s Most Perfect Person—literally every single person who has EVER MET Katie loves her to death. No, really, like we would DIE for her, she’s so perfect. Really. Mary Katherine is gonna be that same way. You just have to smile when you see her. Especially if you see her, like, now.

  You would smile if you saw her now because she is completely purple—head to toe—hair, skin, nails—all but her teeth and the whites of her eyes—she is purple. Not blotchy or patchy—she’s a smooth, consistent, really quite lovely shade of purple. Like Blue Man Group—only just the one girl and purple. Like a Smurfette—only purple. The part in her hair is a bit vivid—kinda looks like maybe Girlene got after her with a neon purple Sharpie—but other than that, she is a perfect monochrome of purple.

  It seems that Bailey went by to pick up Mary Katherine—who was still white at curbside but had some kind of goo on her hair, which she said she would deal with when they got to our house. Bailey said fine but they had to pick up Jodie on the way. Mary Katherine was getting just a wee bit antsy about whatever it was that was on her hair. So much so that upon enter
ing our house, she bee-lined it straight into MY bathroom and hopped in the shower. Fortunately for all concerned, neither The Cutest Boy in the World nor I were in the shower at the time.

  Jodie went upstairs to shower in Bailey’s bathroom and Bailey just flopped on MY bed—again, it was fortuitous that TCBITW and I were elsewhere that evening—turned on Law & Order and forgot about Mary Katherine for a time. Eventually, the sound of the continuously running shower registered in her brain and she realized that Mary Katherine had been in there for what seemed an inordinately long time. And about that time, the water stopped, the shower door opened, and the screaming began.

  “BAILEY! BAILEY! BAILEY! OMIGOD! BAILEY!” And just as Jack McCoy was saying something really important to Lennie Briscoe, too. Bailey grudgingly hit the pause button and opened the door to the bathroom—and there before her stood a screaming, naked, purple girl. It was Mary Katherine—only purple and hysterical.

  Mary Katherine learned—as did we all that night—that there is a most EXCELLENT reason why they have black shampoo sinks at beauty salons—and there is also a most EXCELLENT reason why they have you lean waaaay back and put your head over in there, and that same most EXCELLENT reason applies to how come they have you put on a smock over your clothes, and it’s why they wear gloves when they fool with your hair while it’s got the goo on it. That most EXCELLENT reason is that it’s DYE.

  No one knows, no one will ever know—probably including Mary Katherine—exactly why it was that she wanted to dye her hair purple that night. But no one will ever forget it. Certainly not her—I don’t think anything in life will ever surprise her quite as much as realizing she had dyed her EN-tire body purple. Not Bailey—one is never really adequately prepared to segue with no preamble from a Jack McCoy monologue to a dripping purple screamer in your mother’s bathroom. Not the folks at the Cherokee who called her “Oompa-Loompa” all night. And not me either—I’ve got the purple shower to remind me.